суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

activity adolescent building team

�Weapos;d really rather not go to school-- and just go right ahead to the future where weapos;re obviously living together, occasionally punching Angel in the stomach with food, but having as much time as we want to be together, and make wings, and clothes, and draw. I think, we really will live together at some point. Maybe itapos;s in college. Who knows? Because weapos;re just that adorable.�

Katya and I went to the fabric store today, and got some bitching fabric, for our andron-corsets, and my jester outfit, and her tailcoat. She got a commission for a tailcoat How cool

Soon to be offering: victorian frilly sleeves, custom fit tailcoats, arm sleevies, ears, tails, bracelets, steam punk stuff, etc

florida grove orange, activity adolescent building team, activity ado much nothing, activity adl senior, activity adl develop.

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